Sewa Mobil Jogja, Jomblang Cave is located in Gunungkidul Regency. Here we will discuss more information about this very interesting cave. We will discuss the address, how its attractiveness, facilities, and history.
For those of you who are looking for holiday references, Goa Jomblang can be an option. Especially if you are looking for a vacation spot in Gunungkidul. Then of course this one cave is one place that you should not miss.
The name Goa Jomblang is certainly familiar to the wider community. Because this one cave is also no less popular than Pindul Cave and is well known abroad. Well, here we will discuss various things about Jomblang Cave.
Jomblang Cave Located in Gunungkidul Regency, Yogyakarta
Maybe you are still curious about the location of this one cave. This cave is located in Pacarejo Village, Semanu District, Gunungkidul Regency, Yogyakarta Special Region Province. From downtown Yogyakarta the distance is about 56 km or about 1.5 hours drive.
Gunungkidul is indeed a place for many natural attractions that are very stunning. Starting from caves that have been very popular to beautiful and exotic beaches. Therefore, it is not surprising that many people choose Gunungkidul to spend holidays.
The location of Jomblang Cave is quite easy to reach by tourists. Both those who come using motorcycles, private cars, and other public transportation. So you don’t have to worry about thinking about what vehicle is suitable for visiting this tour.
Highlights of Jomblang Cave
Jomblang Cave located in Gunungkidul has several paths to go down it. Each trail also has a different height. They range from 15 meters suitable for beginners to 40, 60, and 80 meters more suitable for expert travelers.
When descending the cave, tourists will feel a quite different sensation. The scenery will change with the beauty of the lush green plantation. The plant still thrives even though it is at the bottom of the cave.
The plant is also an attraction that you cannot find in other caves. When starting to walk down the cave, tourists can see beautiful stalagmites and stalactites on it. Inside the cave there is also a fairly heavy underground river flow.
After descending the cave and reaching the bottom, tourists will be invited by a guide to Luweng Grubug by passing through a 300-meter long passage. Along the alley of Jomblang Cave located in Gunungkidul is also very beautiful.
Then when arriving at Luweng Grubug, tourists can enjoy the real beauty of this cave. In the sky of the cave there is a large hole that allows sunlight to enter the cave. Especially at 10 to 12 noon and the weather is sunny.
The view of the sunlight is in stark contrast to the extremely dark state of the cave. This is what then makes this cave very interesting and beautiful. In fact, many tourists from various regions are willing to come all the way to witness it.
To get the perfect view, of course, you have to come during the day. Then also make sure the weather is sunny so that it can maximize the incoming sunlight. The scenery created will certainly be extraordinary.
Jomblang Cave has a different attraction from other caves located in Gunungkidul. This cave has its own characteristics and charm that makes it look different. This charm is then able to attract domestic and foreign tourists.
This cave is perfect for tourists who like adrenaline-pumping activities. Because to enter and explore this cave requires great courage and courage. Even tourists must also use security equipment according to standards.
In addition, tourists must also be together with experienced combiners. Before descending to the cave, the guide will put on complete equipment for tourists. For example, using complete equipment such as helmets, shoes, and headlamps.
Meanwhile, other facilities in Jomblang Cave located in Gunungkidul are still fairly minimal. Usually, the house of the Head of Jetis Wetan Hamlet will function as a stopover and storage of goods. Then the bathroom can also be used by tourists.
The lack of this facility is of course also a very unfortunate thing. Though this cave has considerable potential to attract many tourists. With the provision of complete facilities, of course, this tourist spot will be more interesting.
For the history of its own formation, this cave was formed from geological activities that occurred millions of years ago. The ground subsided and all the vegetation above it also fell down. This phenomenon makes the formation of a hole or sinkhole approximately 50 meters.
Jomblang Cave located in Gunungkidul also has a scary story. It is said that according to residents, this cave was once used as a place for the eradication of PKI members. The PKI members were tied to each other and ordered to stand at the mouth of the cave.
When one of the people was shot and fell into the cave, the others also fell into this 80-meter-high cave. Even according to residents, in 1982 the government had time to clean up the remaining human bones that were still scattered in the cave.
Even human bones taken from the cave reached 3 trucks. This might make mystical events begin to occur in that place. But after the residents prayed together, the mystical incident was gone.
Thus the discussion about Jomblang Cave located in Gunungkidul Regency, Yogyakarta. This tourist spot is certainly very interesting to fill vacation time.